

USB Tweezers

USB Tweezers


USB Tweezers: another reason why the world is switching to the Sigma

As the world is choosing to migrate to xyztec bond testers, the most heard argument is that companies wish to be future proof. In a competitive environment, opting for old technology is taking a risk that smart managers steer clear off. Xyztec’s USB Tweezers are just another example of the Sigma outperforming the competition.


USB Tweezers

Xyztec’s USB Tweezers are a unique electrically actuated micro grippers solution designed especially for solder ball pull, thick wire pull, thin wire pull and ribbon peel testing. The features include powerful software, fully programmable closing force and positioning, a built-in adjustable light source, and easily exchangeable tips.

Using USB Tweezers, you can precisely control and document the settings of your tweezer test. Both when testing automatically and when testing manually, this makes your process more precise and fully traceable. Xyztec also leads the way when it comes to tweezer tip design. Multiple customers use USB Tweezers for exotic applications and we produce standard cold bump pull cavities down to 50µm ball size.

USB Tweezers wafer 50um cbp

CBP Jaw Cleaner (Contactless cavity cleaner)

During use solder builds up in the cavity in cold bump pull (CBP) jaws. This reduces their grip efficiency and affects the quality of your measurements. Cleaning the cavities is very difficult and small ball cavities can be damaged easily. Click here to find out more information about xyztec’s patented solution: the CBP Jaw Cleaner.



Click here to learn about the specifications of xyztec’s USB Tweezers, which are compatible with the commonly used Sigma and Sigma HF.
