

Mitigate environmental hazards in GaAs device shear testing

Mitigate environmental hazards in GaAs device shear testing


If we learned anything from 2020, it is that the health and safety of our environment matters. With this in mind, we are proud to introduce our unique, first-in-class work holder solution for supporting the health and safety of cleanroom operators working with Gallium-Arsenide (GaAs) semiconductor device shear testing.

Vacuum-safe shear testing work holder

The work holder uses a vacuum to apply a region of negative pressure over the shear testing site. This vacuum will remove any hazardous materials generated in the test process to ensure a clean and safe environment for the operator.

The vacuum-safe shear testing work holder is compatible with any Sigma and seamlessly integrates with your existing part requirements and cleanroom infrastructure. If necessary, you can customize both the waffle-pack dimensions and vacuum connections to support your needs.

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Upgrade your Sigma software to 5.16

Take your bond testing experience to a new level. Click to download the 32bit or 64bit latest Sigma software version for free!

The new software features in a nutshell:

  • Easy Mode programming now available in the standard automation editor
  • Automation editor supports a first and second bond for wire programming
  • Revised shape model editor with flexible drawing tools for pattern recognition
  • Easy wizard to set up tool concentricity for pull and shear tests
  • Improvements on JPG image compression and JPG quality settings
  • Ease picture export with extensive options for naming pictures
  • Take pictures before and after the measurements with a picture run
  • Picture focus during automation enhanced
  • Counter to advice tool replacement
  • Extended SECS/GEM options for lead frame applications
  • Supports stack lights for product line integration
  • Many other improvements for test screen, graphs, reporting, calibration, and software stability.

Questions? Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about these new functions.

