

Central database for security and SPC options

Central database for security and SPC options

Central database

The Sigma is unique in its ability to share a centralized database with other testers. The extensive networking support enables the customer to increase security and to exchange settings and test data between any number of Sigma bond testers and a central database.

If you own multiple bond testers a centralized database greatly enhances Statistical Process Control (SPC). It enables engineers to develop and share uniform test settings among several machines, improving the quality of measurements. Advantages of a centralized database also include better security, storage capacity, historical information records and data integrity as well as easier administration and updates. Database management becomes more cost effective with the Sigma.

Superior data export editor

Another unique feature of the Sigma software is its free, in-built and easy to use data export editor. This enables the engineer to create their own reports in almost any format, to be saved to a file or the clipboard.

The export editor is user friendly and comes with a test format function which illustrates the output of your configuration using dummy data. The engineer has the flexibility to setup all the fields you need like file name, report headers, an optional data definition field and of course the format of the test data itself.

The ability to create their own reports quickly by themselves is valued by many xyztec customers. However, xyztec also continues to provide remote and on-site support both via its worldwide support network of local partners and by its own specialists.
Data export editor

Learn more about the Sigma

As the market leader in bond testing, xyztec has produced many success stories over the years. Since our founding in 2000, we are dedicated to one thing and one thing only…..BOND TEST SOLUTIONS! We continue to develop solutions for all types of industries including solar, space, military, medical, automotive, interconnect and material science. Our customers include market leaders in all of these industries throughout the world. See why many people refer to our Sigma as the Swiss army knife of bond testers If you are interested in a live demonstration of the Sigma on your sample or perhaps for more bond testing inspiration, contact us today!

References are available and happily provided.

Central database