

Xyztec launches new website

Xyztec launches new website

Condor 150-3 HF with safety guards for microscope

We are pleased to announce an entirely new web site from xyztec, the technology leader in bond testing worldwide:

Condor 150-3 HF with safety guards for microscope

Apart from extensive information on the company itself and its products (Sigma and Condor), the site contains a knowledgebase on the art of bond testing. Browse the website to increase your knowledge about bond testing and the solutions xyztec provides. You can browse by test type, by solution industry or by product or you may want to find a xyztec representative in your region.

If you want to stay up to date, you can subscribe to xyztec’s RSS-feed. Alternatively, you may also choose to follow xyztec on Twitter.

Xyztec designs and manufactures innovative equipment that is used for quality assurance to ensure the reliability of many products in multiple industries. We are 100% focused on bond testing and have established our name as technology leader in bond testing worldwide.

Condor 150-3 HF with safety guards for microscope