
xyztec bv

SMT connect 2019

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SMTconnect 2019 May 7-9, 2019 in Nuremberg - Hall 4A, Booth 147 The trade fair SMT Hybrid Packaging takes place this year under a new name SMTconnect with..
Workshop IMAPS UK

xyztec workshop at IMAPS UK

Last week, IMAPS-UK celebrated 50 Years since the foundation of ISHM (The International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics), the forerunner to today’s IMAPS at the Royal Holloway University of London. (more…)
Presentation by Bob Sykes at CSPT 2017

Presentation at CSPT 2017 by Bob Sykes

For the second year in a row, xyztec CTO Bob Sykes was invited to speak at China Semiconductor Packaging Test Symposium (CSPT). (more…)
Presentatie Bob Sykes in KurskRussia

Successful seminar in Russia with Sovtest

Last week xyztec distributor for the Russian Federation, Sovtest ATE, held a seminar at their head office in the city of Kursk. (more…)

Bob Sykes speaks at China Semiconductor Packaging Test Symposium (CSPT)

Tomorrow at around 13:30 local time, xyztec CTO Bob Sykes shall hold a keynote speech on "Recent and Future Advances in Bond Testing" at China Semiconductor Packaging Test..
Bob Sykes joins xyztec

Bob Sykes joins xyztec

We are excited to announce that on the 9th of March 2009 Bob Sykes joined xyztec. (more…)

Search results in xyztec

SMT connect 2019

Free SMT ticket? Register now

SMTconnect 2019 May 7-9, 2019 in Nuremberg - Hall 4A, Booth 147 The trade fair SMT Hybrid Packaging takes place this year under a new name SMTconnect with..
Workshop IMAPS UK

xyztec workshop at IMAPS UK

Last week, IMAPS-UK celebrated 50 Years since the foundation of ISHM (The International Society for Hybrid Microelectronics), the forerunner to today’s IMAPS at the Royal Holloway University of London. (more…)
Presentation by Bob Sykes at CSPT 2017

Presentation at CSPT 2017 by Bob Sykes

For the second year in a row, xyztec CTO Bob Sykes was invited to speak at China Semiconductor Packaging Test Symposium (CSPT). (more…)
Presentatie Bob Sykes in KurskRussia

Successful seminar in Russia with Sovtest

Last week xyztec distributor for the Russian Federation, Sovtest ATE, held a seminar at their head office in the city of Kursk. (more…)

Bob Sykes speaks at China Semiconductor Packaging Test Symposium (CSPT)

Tomorrow at around 13:30 local time, xyztec CTO Bob Sykes shall hold a keynote speech on "Recent and Future Advances in Bond Testing" at China Semiconductor Packaging Test..
Bob Sykes joins xyztec

Bob Sykes joins xyztec

We are excited to announce that on the 9th of March 2009 Bob Sykes joined xyztec. (more…)

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Dirk Schade