
xyztec bv

Scratch testing 2

Test your coatings automatically with a Sigma bond tester

Did you know that it is really easy to test the quality of your coatings using a Sigma bond tester? You do not need to purchase a detached..

Why all bond testers should have an RMU

With the Revolving Measurement Unit (RMU), Xyztec offers a unique multiple load cell cartridge for measuring all kinds of horizontally and vertically tested bonds, using pull, peel, push or shear methods; either destructive or non-destructive. The key..

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Scratch testing 2

Test your coatings automatically with a Sigma bond tester

Did you know that it is really easy to test the quality of your coatings using a Sigma bond tester? You do not need to purchase a detached..

Why all bond testers should have an RMU

With the Revolving Measurement Unit (RMU), Xyztec offers a unique multiple load cell cartridge for measuring all kinds of horizontally and vertically tested bonds, using pull, peel, push or shear methods; either destructive or non-destructive. The key..

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