

Xyztec at EMPC Pisa

Xyztec at EMPC Pisa

ESTC Pisa 2019

This week xyztec is exhibiting at EMPC 2019 in Pisa (Italy). Additionally, xyztec’s Bob Sykes was there to provide a half-day course on The Science of Bond Testing. The course became an interesting interactive session, covering a variety of test types and customer cases. As is often the case, the discussions continued during the coffee and lunch breaks. The attendees came from a wide variety of bond tester users. We want to thank them for sharing their bond testing problems and experiences. They make this course very successful.


The European Microelectronics and Packaging Conference (EMPC) is the established international forum for engineers working in the field and others wanting to learn from this leading event. EMPC 2019 in Pisa offers the best of microelectronics packaging and interconnection technologies, providing top quality coverage of technological innovation in this field.

ESTC Pisa 2019

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Herbert Stuermann