

Visit us at SMT to experience revolutionary bond testing innovations

Visit us at SMT to experience revolutionary bond testing innovations

SMT 2023 1

Xyztec was at the SMTconnect exhibition from May 9th to May 11th at the Nürnberg Messe in Germany. We were thrilled to showcase our game-changing improvements to our Sigma product line and the Nano control shear sensor.

Our team demonstrates how our improvements can revolutionize your bond testing experience with increased X and Y positional precision, reduced signal noise, and an increased number of tests per hour. So don’t miss this opportunity. You can still visit us today!

SMTconnect 2023

Despite being held alongside the busy PCIM, SMTconnect was a major success with a fantastic turnout of visitors. We were delighted to see so many visitors at our booth, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to showcase our latest innovations.

Free ticket

If you’re interested in a free ticket, send us an email. Head over to booth 147 in Hall 4A at the SMTconnect 2023 in the Nürnberg Messe (Germany) to see these new functionalities in all their glory.

We can’t wait to see you there!


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Herbert Stuermann