Bond testing seminars

Meet the experts

Seminars and private sessions

To improve understanding of bond testing in the industry, we organize seminars to present and share our knowledge in a straightforward, accessible format. 

Bob Sykes presenting bond testing 1 1

Meet the experts

We have the finest instructors in the industry who bring real-world experience to their course instruction. Our experts give informative presentations and invite the attendees to participate by asking questions and sharing their thoughts and expertise on the subject. Every seminar provides the opportunity for your quality control engineers to discuss any bond testing challenges your company faces.

The Science of Bond Testing

We have 7 different bond testing seminar modules, each containing multiple sections:

1. Principles of bond testing

  • Bond testing objectives
  • Basic bond test parameters and data output

2. Operation

  • Pull testing
  • Shear testing
  • Special tests
  • Bond testing environment

3. Data

  • Measurements
  • Statistics

4. Performance

  • Sensor accuracy
  • Axis accuracy
  • Test displacement and speed accuracy
A slide from BMT 1.1 Bond testing objectives

5. Microscopes, cameras, and illumination

  • Microscopes
  • Cameras

6. Automation

  • Principles of automation
  • Setting up for automation

7. System design

  • Sample fixing / work holders
  • Ergonomics
  • Ease of use
  • Range of applications
  • Sensors
Bangkok service training 2019 presentation

Tailored training for any need

We organize seminars in various locations all over the world. The series present networking opportunities and attract a broad spectrum of attendees. 


Bring our expert instructors to your location to share their highly specialized knowledge of bond testing methodologies with your team. We are open to organizing dedicated sessions for interested customers, depending on the demand and schedule. 

Request your seminar today

Contact us to request a private session or find out if there is a seminar scheduled in your area.